Hypnosis is a state of consciousness, a procedure as well as an instrument.
Besides being awake (vigilance) and asleep, hypnosis is a very natural state of consciousness. One who is in hypnosis is focused into something specific, which is why the range of vigilance is limited. This means that external and internal stimuli are lowered. Perception can be focused on a specific content. We all know this state, often just don’t recognize it. Where? For example, during an exciting conversation, an interesting movie, an argument or enjoying a beautiful landscape with body and soul. In all these cases, and many more, we are already in hypnosis.
As a procedure, as it is applied here, it has an integrative effect. The three pillars of the human being are body, mind and spirit. Each of them is a self-organizing system and interrelates inextricably with the other. Through the accompaniment in the Life History Analysis in hypnosis (LAH)or the Focal Analysis in Hypnosis (FAH) all aspects of the human being are considered and integrated. With H.I.T.T.® (Hypno Integrative Deep Psychological Therapy) we accompany a person into the deepest layers of his or her unconscious, so that he or she can find him or herself and therefore, his or her own natural balance.